Something about me
I'm a native of Belgium. Drawing and painting has been a passion t o me since childhood. I started drawing lessons at the age of fifteen. Most of what I know of painting technics and skills were given to me by Paul Vandendriessche who, patiently, gave me painting and drawing lessons for many years at the drawing school in Wevelgem, Belgium
I studied psychology for a profession. Beside these studies I followed graohic design and sculpturing at the Royal Academy of Kortrijk, Belgium.
And about my paintings
I like most to paint ordinary people in their different walks of life.
In India I can observe people in their day to da environment, more than in Europe.
The painitngs I make are like snapshots out of their life.
I pay special attention to peoples natural expressions, mirroring their inner feelings.
Most of the paintings now are made with acrylic paint on canvas. That gives a more direct approach to the subject and it allows me to work in one stretch on the painting.
Design: cara(r)t online graphics 2015